
Our Services

Workshops for Children

At Resolve Now, we have found that the most effective way of prevention is education. Given regularly at local schools, our presentations are designed to be fun, with the use of role play, puppets and fun characters. Through them,the children learn vital skills that will empower them to build positive relationships with others. To date we have impacted thousands of children & families nationally and internationally.

Workshops for Teachers

All are programmes have been reviewed by professionals in the field. We have a selection of different programmes from the world over so that we can best suit your schools need. With a variety of male and female presenters we can provide your school with culturally sensitive trainings that will successfully skill-up your staff in the areas you choose.

Workshops for Parents

Childhood only happens once. Parents want to give their children the chance to have the best outcomes. Recent studies have proven how Adverse Childhood Experiences affect a child’s ability to grow and develop into a healthy and productive adult.


Facts are that we could have prevented seventy percent of children who are challenged with mental ill health had they received early intervention. Unfortunately, when not detected and treated at the right time, these emotional difficultiescan further decline to become more challenging and complex.